The Good. NBA uniforms are all over the place right these days. There are a lot pastels in the league this year. The Thunder, the Nuggets and the Clippers (at times) are just few examples. But, the Washington Wizards made a good move this year when they went back to their traditional Bullets colors. Red, white and blue are appropriate for a team in the nation's capital. The Wizards' play continues to be horrific, but at least they look good.
The Bad. This week, Taylormade kicked off it's Driver Love campaign. The campaign is in support of their new R11S driver. In order to gin up publicity, the pros on the PGA and European tours who are sponsored by Taylormade had some new gear to show off. Don't get me wrong. I love Taylormade. I play Taylormade. And, I would actually like to have a hat like this. But, I am a girl. This heart motif just looks weird on the men's tour. Dustin Johnson looked just plain dopey this week. I couldn't find a picture, but trust me when I tell you that his flat-brimmed style did not improve this heart look.
The Ugly. As I mentioned before, uniforms have been all over the place in the NBA this year. The uniforms get especially crazy on throw-back nights. On January 26, the Memphis Grizzlies donned their vintage jerseys. The Grizzlies have only been in Memphis for a decade. Originally, the Grizzlies were born in Vancouver just a few years before that in 1995. So, with a history that short, what golden era are they possibly hearkening back to? Well, apparently, Memphis had an ABA franchise for a few years in the 1970's. And, apparently, that franchise had the most hideous uniforms in the history of basketball. What made this even worse is that the visiting L.A Clippers decided to break out their pastel throw-backs for the occasion.

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